Sunny: is a CKC registered F1 goldendoodle and will have F1b puppies.  She was born here at Tamarack Ridge and is a beautiful light apricot color and will deliver the sweetest Teddy Bear Goldendoodles. Sunny lives with her guardian family with 4 kids.  She loves to be where the action is! Sunny is very gentle, sweet, and loves her walks! 

Portland Goldendoodle puppies

Charlotte: is a CKC registered F1 goldendoodle, she is super sweet, everyone who meets her falls in love with her. She lives with her guardian family who has two elementary age girls. Charlotte is a goldendoodle and will have F1b goldendoodles. Her puppies as adults should be in the 25-35lbs range. 

Gracie: is an CKC registered English cream F1 goldendoodle, She was born here at Tamarack Ridge. Her parents are Lacey and Charlie. She lives with her guardian family and enjoys car rides and going for walks. She will have F1b puppies. 

Luna: Is an AKC & CKC Registered English Cream Retriever, She is the definition of "Chill" She's as easy going as it gets! She shares a guardian family with Hazel and loves hanging out with her family, going for walks, is gentle and loyal.

Hazel: Is an AKC & CKC registered English Cream Retriever, she loves being with her guardian family. She's spunky, loves to play with other dogs and has a beautiful athletic build. Her puppies will be mid-size F1 goldendoodles.

Finley: is an CKC registered F1 goldendoodle, she was born here at Tamarack Ridge. She lives with her guardian family, a retired couple who loves spending time with their grandkids. Finley has a great temperament and loves kids. Her puppies will be F1b goldendoodles. 

Margaret - She's an AKC & CKC registered English Cream Retriever, Margaret lives with her guardian family with two small kids. She loves people, going for walks and hanging out with her Family. She's great with kids and has the gentlest personality. Margaret is an excellent companion, get's along great with all other dogs. 

Rosie: Is an CKC registered F1 English Cream Goldendoodle who will have F1b puppies. Rosie is the ultimate family dog who loves the outdoors. When not chilling with her family you can find her exploring trails in the great PNW.

Lacey: is a AKC & CKC registered English cream retriever. She lives with her guardian family in the Seattle area. Lacey and Binadi share the same guardian family and are best buds!! Lacey is very calm, has a blocky build and will have English cream F1 goldendoodle puppies. 

Breeding Allergy-Friendly, bright, gentle, loyal companions!